the unfirm line – Mel Bosworth

“The spell is over us all, the spell is over us all, relentless.”
Mel Bosworth, Grease Stains, Kismet, and Maternal Wisdom

Sometimes I stress over the big decisions: job choices, moving from state to state, parental choices. However, I am continually reminded that the smallest choices, the ones not even thought about are truly running my life. Bosworth calls this ‘the spell.’

My biggest spell moment included: after doing well my MA orals, I decided to not study for yet another test, but decided to go home early, answered an unknown random phone call, agreed to drive 75 miles to go for a hike with old friends … and eventually met my future wife, mother of my children, in the woods. That was an intricate f-ing spell.

I like to think that “the spell” controls most of the good, and I can control/limit most of the bad. With that, I try to keep this in mind …