Ask the Author: Janet Freeman

In the December issue, Janet covers Gabriel Garcia Marquez and in today’s interview she reveals that marriage is the worst injury she has ever committed unto herself, among other lovely tidbits.

Have you ever been to Taos, New Mexico? What did you do there? Did you see the earthships?

Oh, man, the earthships! Haven’t been inside but slinking past in a car on a dusty road with a bottle of vodka is a fun way to kill a Saturday afternoon. Taos is beautiful, home of my favorite toy store, Twirl. They sell those old fashioned doctor kits, you know, with the plastic blood-pressure thingy you can never remember how to pronounce.

Have you ever, do you regularly, attend Zozobra? Could you briefly explain what it is?

I’m sad to say I don’t know what Zozobra is, but damn if I’m not going to find out now.

Is there any painter whose work you feel a special affinity for? Has it affected your writing?

I’m a huge fan of Matt Sesow, to the point where I wrote him in as a fictional character in the first novel I ever wrote. I was honored when he agreed to provide the cover art for the first issue of Rough Copy. I’m also in love with Arthur Tress and Nan Goldin, both of whom are amazing photographers. Come to think of it, I’ve written them into my own stuff, too. Damn, I’m such a poser!

What is the hardest part of being an editor?

The hardest part of being an editor is writing rejections! I hate it, probably because I know all too well what it’s like to be on the receiving end of that particular stinkbomb. I try to be as nice as possible, but I’m not always as timely as I should be–definitely working on it.

Which of your favorite songs or pieces of music are cover versions?

My daughter, singing the alphabet song. Really! You should hear her — she skips the “T-U-V” part but I never correct her. What’s the point?

Do you often wear sunglasses?

When I lived in Portland my sunglasses vanished in October and I could never find them come July, when it was time to wear them again. Now that we’re in New Mexico, they’re pretty much a staple. That, and shit-kickers, for you know, kicking at all that coyote scat.

Not that these oppositions are necessarily analogous or opposed, but do you generally prefer radio to television, movies to plays, or opera to ballet?

Radio, movies, any live show where March 4th is playing—in a pinch they can count as opera and ballet both, but really they’re more burlesque.

Have you ever been happy to get a piece of spam email?

Nope. Never.

Do you know anyone who lives “off the grid?” Would you like to live “off the grid?”

I haven’t met any off-griders just yet, but my partner Chris would love to do just that. My psyche’s too fragile for such a thing, though the other day I did see an ad for a composting toilet and was admittedly intrigued.

What is the worst injury you have inflicted on yourself?
